
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New DOMEX/DOCEX Openings

A reader recently asked about my posting of DOMEX/DOCEX positions. I post them both (1) for any readers that might be interested in the positions and (2) because sometimes the information in the job openings is useful in tracking trends and gleaning other information about DOMEX programs.  Job descriptions from defense contractors in particular are often extremely detailed.

Here are some recent openings:

Six3 Intelligence Solutions, Inc. is looking for a DOMEX (Document and Media Exploitation) Training Integrator whose duties would be at the U.S. Army Intelligence Center (USAIC) at Fort Huachuca, AZ in the "office of the TRADOC Capability Manager for Biometrics and Forensics" to work with the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) to begin incorporating "portions of the NGIC DOMEX Training into USAIC core courses and training scenarios."  They are looking for someone with "8 years experience in the field of DOMEX, site exploitation, Weapons Technical Intelligence, Technical Intelligence or Forensics collection."

DynCorp International is looking for a Staff Officer for Media Management for the
Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX) Operations Division in the National Media Exploitation Center (NMEC). Responsible for researching, reviewing, compiling, and crafting acquisition details surrounding batches of acquired media for intelligence, Defense, Law Enforcement, and Homeland Security Communities to include the Combatant Commands.
Responsibilities also include "preparing, reviewing and submitting official message traffic to advise above-named communities on the transfer of electronic or digital media to the NMEC for exploitation; researches various networks to obtain operational information required to properly identify and prioritize exploitation requirements."

CACI is looking for a DOMEX Instructor/Developer who would provide "DOMEX specific training to members of various services and agencies" and "teach tactics, techniques and procedures for acquisition, exploitation, analysis, integration, and report production specific to DOMEX."

CACI also has openings for a Media Exploitation (MEDEX) Technician/Engineer to "support the Army Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX) program" in conducting "forensic digital exploitation of various types of electronic media" and examining and correlating "Captured Enemy Document (CED) related information in support of current operations."

Finally, CACI has an interesting job for Software Engineer - Cloud Computing to develop "analytics, services, widgets on the DCGS SIPR Cloud (DSC) for DOMEX." Responsibilities include analyzing "end-user requirements to bring DOMEX information into existing cloud capabilities as well as architect and design new features to bring DOMEX information to the DSC" and "Data modeling to include DOMEX information for ingestion into Cloudbase and advanced indexing schemes and integration into existing and future map-reduce analytics."