For brief coverage of debate over the IMF/Hoover documents see Hugh Eakin,"Iraqi Files in U.S.: Plunder or Rescue?" New York Times, July 1, 2008, John Gravois, , "Disputed Iraqi Archives Find a Home at the Hoover Institution" in the Chronicle of Higher Education, January 23, 2008. See also, the 2008 joint Society of American Archivists/Association of Canadian Archivists statement on the records, Hoover's response, and Iraqi National Archives Director Saad Eskander's open letter to Hoover.
On research in the IMF/Hoover documents, see "'The war will never end': Saddam's regime in Hoover Institution archives," Stanford Report, Aug. 1, 2011.
On research in the IMF/Hoover documents, see "'The war will never end': Saddam's regime in Hoover Institution archives," Stanford Report, Aug. 1, 2011.
For more extensive commentary see Bruce P. Montgomery, "Immortality in the Secret Police Files: The Iraq Memory Foundation and the Baath Party Archive" (2011) in International Journal of Cultural Property; Trudy Huskamp Peterson, "Archives in Service to the State" in Political Pressure and the Archival Record (2008); Michelle Caswell, "'Thank You Very Much, Now Give Them Back' : Cultural Property and the Fight over the Iraqi Baath Party Records" (2011) (abstract only) in American Archivist; Bruce P. Montgomery, "Returning Evidence to the Scene of the Crime: Why the Anfal Files Should be Repatriated to Iraqi Kurdistan," (2010) in Archivaria (esp. pp. 145-49); Douglas Cox "Archives and Records in Armed Conflict: International Law and the Current Debate over Iraqi Records and Archives" (2010) in Catholic University Law Review (esp. pp. 1044-1051).